Boyce Avenue

The first time i heard their music is when we are looking for a dining set in some store in SM, my sister is asking who's the artist but we really have no idea...

When me and my college barkada met in dhan's house, i heard it again in nhilo's ipod so i ask who is the artist, its BOYCE AVENUE!

BOYCE AVENUE, a Florida-based band popular for its strong acoustic roots and constant drive toward a melody- and harmony-driven rock sound, consists of the three brothers Alejandro, Fabian, and Daniel Manzano, and Stephen Hatker. The band first came together in 2000, and then the rest is history...

What i love about them are their songs... so cool! (my fave is the Tatoo No One Where is the love Medley)

You can check more info bout them on this site: